CSGroup is the no 1 company in Marketing & Business Automation Software.

CSGroup where the elite converge!

CSGroup is a gathering place for young people who have ambitions to express themselves, have a desire to get rich, and know how to take advantage of the opportunities of the times and their existing capacity to successfully build a knowledge-based business. efficiency based on a reasonable organizational and management method and a corporate culture foundation suitable for the times.

With the motto “Not only technology”, CSGroup not only focuses on technical aspects but also focuses on other important factors such as content technology, quality in all products and services to meet the needs of customers. meet the increasing needs of customers and partners.

CSGroup fosters a community of people who not only live, but also live well. Our products are an extension of that passion. We are constantly researching and improving to give our customers information, products, and services that enable them to optimize their work and quality of life.

A full range of modern digital services

Why choose us

We love & know what we do!

High Quality Standards

Our quality policy with the motto "perfection Towards ".

Leading Experts

Dedicated staff, providing high value-added services to customers

Complex Sollutions

Apply advanced and reasonable organization and management solutions based on modern technology.

Flexible Prices

Balance - Savings - Responsibility - Sustainability - Self-benefit - People's benefits - Living benefits.


The way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing!

Brand Identity

Brand Identity

Build Brand Identity, At the same time build effective Marketing channels, promote brand awareness, share brand and digital marketing activities.



Market research and analysis, business strategy planning, marketing plan development, effective marketing channels development.

Social Media

Social Media

Build, Manage and monitor social media channels to have the right view of brands and products,

Product Design

Product Design

The product image/Video is relevant to the target customer, the target market, and the brand positioning in that target market

Marketing Planning

Marketing Planning

Long-term and short-term marketing strategies are suitable for competition and sustainable development

Let's discuss your case today!

Customers say


Our portfolio speaks better than words!

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Purus et creative varius sem nibh mattis in creative varius egestas.

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Donec dignissim gravida posuere sagittis dolor.

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Glavrida from amet – lorem glavrida nullam porta nulla non arcu lorem.

Limited Time Offer!

Hurry up! Contact us today and get 100% free first online consultation!


David Green

Economist. Agency owner.

“The company always cultivates the three qualities of cohesion, creativity and professionalism to create a team of dedicated employees who are capable of creating products and services with high added value for customers.”

tel. 037 926 56 93
[email protected]


Meet our smart & creative guys

You don’t build a business, you build people, then people build the business.

Recruiting top professionals from around the world has been the driving force behind our CSGroup Elite Team.

David Green

"Dream it. Wish it. Do it."

Dan Ta

Sales director
"Dream bigger. Do bigger."

Sara Nguyen

Brand Builder
“Act as if what you do makes a difference. It does.”

Rachel Nguyen

Content Creator
“Believe you can and you’re halfway there.”

Chris Le

Social Express
"Push yourself, because no one else is going to do it for you."

How we work

Don’t be busy – be productive!


First Contact

Contact, raise your problems and requests


Discussion & Planning

meet and discuss, provide solutions


Final Strategy

choose and come up with the most suitable option



develop and implement the final plan



Upgrade, improve to get the best effect



Your satisfied with the service is our goal.

Our agency in numbers

0 +
Completed projects
0 +
Years in business
0 +
Industry awards


T30 N01A Tower ,K35 Tan Mai, Hoang Mai, HN 10000

Please call before visit

091 106 8896

Business days 8AM - 6PM

[email protected]

For clients & partners